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Welcome Everyone to SPORTS PICKS WEEKLY!

Sports Picks Weekly is proud to announce our partnership in the sports handicapping realm. With over 17 years of combined experience, we think that this partnership will be a great deal of help to the every day sports bettor and professional alike. We are dedicated to giving you the best sports information and advice at an affordable price everyday. Our plays are all monitored and documented for your benefit.


We believe that if you want solid, winning sports advice. Then there is no need to offer outrageous package prices. (As many other sites do.)

No need to charge hundreds of dollars for just one selection AND end up losing that money, plus your wager.

Do not look any further. We release only 1, "Play per day" specifically designated for premier players. Regardless of the amount you wager per game you will profit on a consistent basis, week in and week out.

If you are an action junky and like to bet on multiple games everyday, then we might not be the right place for you!


If you want to consistently profit, start by purchasing today's GUARANTEED, "Play of The Day" or you may be interested in one of our 3 day, 7 day, or 30 Day Packages. Check out our Sports Packages page for more information.

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