Youth soccer coach in Congo banned for 20 years by FIFA for sexually abusing of minor

Fri, Oct 20, 2023
Soccer News (AP)

Youth soccer coach in Congo banned for 20 years by FIFA for sexually abusing of minor

ZURICH (AP) - A youth soccer coach from Congo was banned for 20 years by FIFA on Friday for sexually abusing an underage player.

The FIFA ethics committee's case against Jonathan Bukabakwa followed media reports alleging sexual abuse of minors in the Congolese soccer federation.

"In particular, various football coaches of different regions and leagues in Congo were accused of having abused minor players," FIFA said in a statement.

Bukabakwa also was fined 100,000 Swiss francs ($112,000), though it is unclear if FIFA can enforce payment.

The coach was provisionally suspended from soccer in March while the investigation continued.

FIFA also has prosecuted allegations of sexual abuse of players in Afghanistan, Haiti and Gabon in recent years, usually following media investigations.


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