Hilarious Fantasy Football Punishments for Losing the League

Wed, Jun 26, 2024
by CapperTek

Every year, over 29 million people play fantasy football. It’s a classic US pastime, with many of the sportsbooks on gamble-usa.com, like DraftKings, offering sports fans an opportunity to join the fun. And when the end of the NFL season arrives, it signals the start of a tirade of fantasy football punishments all across the land.

Fantasy football punishments always bring the house down. They’re a great way to cap off the season and have some light-hearted fun, which is why they’ve been part of fantasy football culture for decades. So, after another season of hard work and spending hours crafting your team each week, the time has come to hand out the punishment to whoever finished last in your fantasy league. Will they be happy about it? Probably not. But it’s all part of the fun, so let’s dive into the different options.

🏈 Fantasy Football Punishments

1.    Open Mic Comedy Set

One of the best fantasy football punishments is to do an open mic comedy set. The general idea is that the loser has to get up in front of everyone and do a minimum of a 5-minute comedy set, whether it’s in a friend’s house or the corner of a bar somewhere. Normally, they’ll have to write the jokes themselves, but if you want to make it more interesting, you can have it so that everyone from the same fantasy league can submit at least one joke to be read out.

2.    Body Waxing (A Classic)

Body waxing is an all-time classic forfeit, especially in American culture. So, across a lot of fantasy leagues, the number one forfeit has always been to have some part of the body waxed, such as the chest or legs. It is possible to do this yourselves, much like the iconic waxing scene from “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”, but make sure that you do it carefully and with the right equipment, otherwise someone might accidentally get injured!

3.    Wear Fancy Dress

To mark the end of the football season, fantasy football groups will often go out to bars and clubs to celebrate, usually on the night of the Super Bowl. If you decide to do this, too, then forcing whoever finished last to go out in a fancy dress is a great idea. The catch: they can’t say no — even if they don’t like the outfit that’s been chosen for them. This way, it encourages everyone to try their best throughout the season, as nobody wants to be the individual who has to wear fancy dress.

4.    Forced Date Night

An outright hilarious fantasy football forfeit is a forced data night. Whoever has lost must hand their phone over and let people find them a date on Tinder. After the data has been arranged, they have to show up — no matter what! And if you can’t find a potential date candidate, send them on an inflatable date instead, which is a trend that’s been sweeping X (Twitter) over recent years.

5.    Wear the Jersey of a Rival Team

Lastly is a less embarrassing (but still downright difficult) punishment: wear the jersey of a rival team. When it comes to the NFL, most fans hate the idea of having to wear a rival’s jersey, which is what makes this particular punishment so hard to commit to. For example, a Bears fan wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a Packers jersey (and vice-versa). So, if you decide to choose this as the punishment, prepare for lots of resistance and the prospect of the loser refusing to do it entirely!

Choosing the Right Fantasy Football Punishment

You can choose from any of the fantasy football punishments provided in this guide. If you can’t settle on one, the best way to decide is by holding a vote. This will involve everyone from your fantasy league voting for which punishment they want to see enacted on the league’s loser. Whichever you opt to go with, have fun and don’t forget to share the results on social media!