Profile - Advantage Wins - Sports Betting Picks

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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

At Advantage Sports we pride ourselves in making smart decisions.

We are an elite group of handicappers that have over 50 years of experience in consistently profiting from our selections.

Combining our thoughts and systems to come up with a list of selections each day we all feel comfortable playing.

Our handicappers spend countless hours reviewing statistics, trends, weather, and injuries, just to name a few, so that we can get the most accurate information to our clients.

All of our handicappers wager on the same selections we supply to our members so if you lose, we lose.

At Advantage Sports, we give you the clear advantage to being profitable in the long term. Couple that with the most affordable rates in the industry, there is no question that Advantage Sports can be the right place for winning selections for you.

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