The Sheriff

Mon, Mar 7, 2016

What a career. Peyton Manning thrilled us in college and left us as Super Bowl 50 champion. The man had an amazing career and will be sorely missed by all football fans. His career speaks for itself. 5 MVP’s, two Super Bowl titles, seemingly every NFL passing record and much more. From a betting perspective, he was also profitable if you bet on him every game of his career. There may never be another Peyton Manning.

One of the sad things about Manning retiring is the rivalry with Tom Brady is now over. These guys had so many great matchups and it can be argued the are the two best QB’s of all-time. Manning may have hung around a few more years if not for declining health. Let’s hope for our sake and for Brady, that the Patriots signal-caller can remain healthy and have a few more solid seasons. Brady held an advantage over Manning in head to head wins, but Manning had him 3-1 in AFC Championship games. Manning has a record 5 MVP’s, but Brady has 4 Super Bowl rings. The debate will rage on forever with these two, but the game is better for it. Watching these two play was always a great 3 hours.

Before you know it, Brady will be gone. So too will Big Ben, Eli, Tony Romo, Drew Brees, and Aaron Rodgers. The league will look much different in no time. What young guys will step up to take control of the league? There is a lot of promise for Super Bowl champion Russell Wilson, NFC champion Cam Newton and the “can’t-miss-kid” Andrew Luck. But, who else will be there to compete? The league seems to be lacking at the QB position and another Hall of Famer is now retiring.

We can only hope Peyton will find a nice couch to sprawl out, drink some Budweiser, eat some Papa John’s and plan a vacation to Omaha. He deserves to go there. It has been on his mind a lot during his career. Not too far down the highway, he can cruise into Canton, Ohio and be fitted for his gold jacket. Congratulations on an amazing career and retiring on top, Peyton. You will be missed.