Who would really bet The WNBA?

Tue, Sep 1, 2015
by ProsAndConsSports.cappertek.com

Back when I used to smoke, I was hanging around outside one day, puffing away,when one of my regular sportsbook players came up next to me and began doing the same.

Naturally, the topic quickly turned to sports.I would say it turned on a dime, because before we dispensed with our greetings, my diminuitive friend quickly queried with much emphasis:

"Do you have rufrah NBA?"

I didn't quite understand.

"You have ruhroh NBA?"

Assuming of course that his line of questioning referred to our NBA offerings,  I retorted automatically, "yes."

"Wah min NBA."My friend speaks English as his second,maybe third language.It wasnt usually a priority for him.He began getting agitated.

All of a sudden, bells rang, and alarms began to sound.

After my initial shock wore off, I figured out my pal wanted to talk "Women's NBA",WNBA.And he wasn't kidding.

Thereafter, a spirited (at least on his part) conversation ensued, whereupon my buddy described his interest in our newest product, odds on WNBA contests.I say "conversation" because what it really was was my friend educating ME on this latest addition to our Big Board, an addition that, at the time, I am embarassed to say, I did not realize had occurred.

I left my friend that day convinced that he had finally lost his mind, or was just incredibly bored."Who would really bet The WNBA?", I pondered, perplexed.

Well, as advertised, he did.Again.And again.Then some more.And for good measure, a lil more.

Throughout that season, my friend punched,kicked, elbowed, and figure foured his way to a very profitable WNBA season.Sides.Totals.It mattered not.He absolutely killed it that year, and for more than a few subsequent WNBA years,too.

To answer the question above-"anyone interested in making money."In the Summertime, we add to our MLB and early season football picks by selectively making plays in The WNBA as well.While women's basketball is certainly not our focus, it is a very beatable sport and has become a respectable profit center for us,and, in turn, our clients.

 Two days from the true opening of football season, were proud  to be able to bring you the very best in College and Pro football selections, in addition to our MLB plays, and WNBA plays that have gone 3-0 since our association with CapperTek began.

So, in the coming days,enjoy the arrival of the pageantry and the pigskin, and our first football plays of the 2015 season.But dont forget MLB, and certainly dont forget The WNBA, because nothing makes football more enjoyable than does winning, no matter what form that winning takes.

Pros and Cons

September 1,2015

