Rugby handicapper

Tue, Jan 10, 2017

Hi guys, my name is John Martin and I have been handicapping on rugby for as long as I can remember. Since I was a young kid I used to live and breathe rugby and that has got me to where I am today,while I use'd handicap for pleasure I realised something very important...I wanted to help people make money and teach people how to handicap like a pro. Now I'm no pro but I think my 60%-65% strike rate on rugby says a lot for itself. If you don't believe me take a look at my page and I will post 2-3 free tips every week, but I must warn will only regret that you never found my page sooner. I shall post my free picks for the next 3-4 weeks and I shall start charging for my Tips then,but make sure to hurry up and get the free tips while you can because they won't be there forever. Now when I start charging it will be at a very reasonable price and you shall be notified instantly when the tips are updated. Just to tell you how good a handicapper at rugby I am I am banned from betting on rugby on 3 different online sites so now I make my money other ways. its in my belief that rugby is one of the most feasible sports to handicap on as the bookmakers overlook so many little factors and that is what gives me the edge and I hope it is what give you the edge too.Looking forward to helping you, all the best, John