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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

Let me start by saying I HATE SALESMEN! If someone is offering 5 star super duper triple supreme plays and things like that, just know youre being duped. Stay away from those scammers. Also, I do not recommend a 1 day pick package because sports have variance and 1 day cannot possibly tell you anything about someones picks (even if they go 3-0 that day, they maybe 3-27 on the month). Im based out of New Jersey and have been betting professionally since 2010, and I've been betting successfully since 2010. I play all my own picks. So if you lose, Im losing with you. I dont sell two sides of picks like a lot of scammers on here. Im an honest guy. I list exactly where I got my lines from, and the time I got the line. If you can get a more favorable line elsewhere I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE IT. Many guys sell picks on here that says a line is 7 when its 9.5 everywhere else you look. I look for edges and use complex systems with tight parameters. I suggest using SMS alerts or E-mail alerts because some of my systems use public and sharp money and a game maybe added last minute because of money coming in. I try to give updates. I suggest betting 2-4% of your bankroll on all games. DO NOT DOUBLE UP ON LOSSES. Bankroll management is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of this. I just joined Cappertek December 12, 2018 and its why I don't have much of a track record yet. I offer 6 and 12 month packages as well, just email me. Lets make this money and AVOID SCAMMERS!



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