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Handicapper Bio

Systems used for handicapping: I believe the fact that there are three primary forms of sports handicapping . Those are Fundamental, Statistical and Technical. To be a successful handicapper one must be a well-rounded handicapper, meaning it’s critically important to blend all three forms into the handicapping equation. I rely heavily on a powerful database that allows me to query scores, stat and results of games played.By being able to identify and recreate identical situations, and checking them against the database, I have come to rely on similar results created by this technical ‘cause and effect’. Applying these findings to statistical and fundamental matchups makes for a solid handicap. By applying the handicap to ‘value’ we learn to win in the long run. And winning, in the long run, is what it’s all about!

Quote: Nothing overcomes experience, hard work and information. Together they help make informed decisions. Nobody - absolutely nobody - in this industry is more dedicated or works harder at handicapping sports than I. Because of my desire to be the very best handicapper I can be, I continue to burn the midnight oil while working 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’ve learned over the years that the harder I work, the luckier I get… and I’m a real lucky guy.


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