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Today’s Sports Consulting LLC.
I know Handi Cappers feed all kinds of BS that they run over 73% of winners BS, I’ve been in this business for over 25 yrs. I don’t win all the time but I win more than I lose. But I know sports betters to you guys don’t keep with the system you guys are in and out, you bet one day and win then you come back next week and lose you then your up set cause lost you need to be more consistent and build your bank roll and stick with it three to four days a week.
All handi-cappers don’t bet every day they only play when Vegas has an mis match and the line is wrong or the money is wrong.
If some one calls you on the phone and tells you they have game of the week or the year it’s bull crap there trying hedge the market so they can bet the other side or most often it’s a back door casino trying raise money for that side don’t believe in the BS.
Sports betting is very lucrative business and if you do right you can sit well with a big bankroll, biggest thing in this business is need to believe in the person who giving you the info don’t bounce back to every sports handi capper cause your losing. You need to stick with the program cause how you know who giving you the right info? You don’t until you stick with some one for 90 days then you know there track record..
I wish you the best and good luck in your bets.
Todays Sports Consulting LLC..
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