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Email Address: mikeosorio652@gmail.com | ||
* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.
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new to CapperTek! but not new to sports betting, i have a strong team of 4 that does incredible research run simulations check stats the whole 9! i will post my picks for free for a little while just to show everyone here we are the real Deal please enjoy and stay tuned for daily picks!! GET READY TO HIT!! Number coming soon and also a twitter will be coming as well, like i said were just getting started i wanted to do 1$ for the day picks but it wouldnt let me so 5$ will get you up to 10picks daily. As many games as we are comfortable posting thats what we will put up but it will always be at least 5 for 5!! Enoy!
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