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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.
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Year MEUTFA W-L win % ROI%
2014 -0.06u 8-13 38.09% 0%
2015 +8.93u 15-12 55.56% 33.07%
2016 +9.98u 17-14 54.84% 32.19%
2017 +5.42u 15-14 51.72% 18.69%
2018 +6.34u 16-16 50.00% 19.81%
2019 +9.96u 17-16 51.52% 30.18%
2020 +0.03u 14-22 38.89% 0%
2021 +5.26u 19-22 46.34% 12.83%
2022 +6.62u 16-21 43.24% 17.89%
2023 +8.06u 14-12 53.85% 31%
(as of 09/17/23)
Average MEUTFA profit per year from 2014-2022
2014 I consider the new era of the UFC with more events every year.
Total units. +52.48 units (2014-2022)
Total Years (2014-2022): 9
AVG units profit every year. +5.83 units (2014-2022)
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