Profile - Red Hot Dogs Sports Picks - Sports Betting Advice

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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

MY PICKS ARE GUARANTEED!  If you puchase my picks and the picks do not generate a profit for the day, I will give you the following day FREE! I am here to make you and I money, plain and simple.  I put hours in everyday to each and every pick I handicap and list here.  You are puchasing the same games I am playing a dime on.  This is my life, my living.  Why do I sell my picks then?  Why not?  It is a real pleasure to help other make easy money.  Let's bust the bookies and Vegas together!


PLAY 1 UNIT ON EACH GAME.  Each game is equally as solid, or I wouldn't list it.  So if you are a $100 better, play $100 on each game.

DO NOT CHASE LOSES!  If you lose a game, or have a losing day....Don't panic.  We will have a bad day here and there, but at the end of the week, month, we will have a decent profit on our sporting investments.  The stats don't lie, check my Win, Loss and Return on investment numbers below.

I look forward to a long and profitable relationship.....LET'S MAKE SOME MONEY TOGETHER!

Your Friend,

Scotty Stevens



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