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Handicapper Bio is a sports handicapping website run by its founder Joseph Nix. (Formally System Profits from and on twitter at

Joseph has quickly made a name for himself in the world of sports handicapping and has many satisfied clients to prove it. He is considered among the top NFL cappers in the world and produced over 105 units of profits (1-3 unit plays only) for his clients during the 2013 season alone. His baseball handicapping is no slouch either as he posted over 100 units in MLB in 2013 and is off to another hot start in 2014. caters to clients of all skill levels and bankroll sizes. By request, Joseph even creates customized investing plans for members who have difficulty managing their bankroll.

Very few services out there seem to care about their clients more than Joseph. He has been known to give out free days to twitter members after a bad day and is always running contests/promotions to his twitter followers and giving away free memberships to the winners. Additionally, his customer service is 2nd to none. Joseph handles all CS issues himself and his emails/twitter questions are often returned within minutes as he prides himself on giving the best customer service in the industry.

Joseph has managed to take his sports handicapping skills and turn his site into one of the biggest players in the game today while still managing to give it the feel of a small time private service. Mysystempicks is by far one of the most honest services in the industry. His records for every sport are displayed on the front of his site and updated daily. This service is highly recommended and is definitely worth a try. 


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