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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

I'm Craig aka SMART MAN.The idea behind the name smart man is to practice making smart decisions on a consistent basis. As sports bettors we sometime tend to caught up in a losing or winning streak and find ourselves making poor decisions that are detrimental to your bank roll.So I stress to clients that no matter how good things are going or how tuff things get "always" keep key principles in front of you and stick to them no matter what because every streak ends at some point and you have to be able to withstand a losing streak and still be able to manage your bank roll and keep your head and focus in the game. Some principles I stress are: Patience; you can always pass because there is always a better game or day, DISCIPLINE; this is an investment business so treat it like one, take your time, grind the bookmaker out, look to profit long term and let your $ sit in your account and accumulate.Having a nice healthy bank roll gives you more freedom and confidence in your picks as well.And last, temperament control; I don't care if you have loss 5 straight picks or have had a tuff week keep your head stay cool and understand that's part of this business and as long as you work hard,stay disciplined and smart that 0-5 ends up turning into 13-5. So that's just a bit I wanted to share with you guys you can check out a lot more on my site and learn more about me at At the end of the day have fun!. 


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