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* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.

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Handicapper Bio

City Executives Inc., has been in business since 2007.  Our goal with each and every potential and current client that we come in contact with is to not only produce a consistent profit, but to also educate on how to succeed by investing not gambling.  We are a private player’s club.  We do not mass advertise.  Our only form of advertisement is through verbal communique and through our internet campaigns.

In our first 7 years in existence as a company we have been noted and have won numerous handicapping awards. This industry has so many different opinions.  However City Executive’s opinion is very clear; we do not believe in just playing to play.  Each and every time we release a play to our clients our employees and clients understand that there is risk involved.  With this risk comes a potential reward.  City Executives prides ourselves on protecting our client’s profits while limiting their risk.  Money management in our belief is the most important aspect of this entire money making strategy.

Through our experience, there have been three reasons that have proven themselves as to why the player and the industry have a bad name.  First, as a player if you are playing too many games you decrease your chance of making money.  Secondly, many people, not all, have a tendency to chase “bad money with good money”.  This is where our strategic methods will help you.  Finally, and this is the biggest problem people have is that most players do not follow or even have a money management strategy in play.  This is so imperative.

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